
Showing posts from 2015
      imp.questions for Diploma Students ( Diploma Chemisty) Unit-1Explain Rutherfords atomic model with its limitations Explain Bohrs atomic model with its limitations Give difference between  orbit and orbita Write short note on  Aufbau principal and Hunds rule Give electronic configuration of Cu and Cr Write short note on   -a .atomic number b.atomic mass  c. isotopes  d. isobars What do you mean by radioactivity .give its applications . Write short note on   .a. Half life period  b. Group displace ment theory   c. Radio carbon dating Give difference between nuclear fission and fussion Unit- 2  Surface chemistry and its applications What do you mean by colloids ? Explain main types of it ( lyo phobic and lyo phillic ) Write short note on   a.        Mechanical dispersion    b. Electrolytic dispersion   c. peptization  d. What do you mean by dialysis and electro dialysis Write short note on tyndal effect and Brownian motion Give details of gel and